As you can see, all of the navigation I do will be based purely on a map and compass as opposed to a satnav. Now, I know that the benefit of having a navsystem is that you don't have to lug around all those maps and whatnot, but to me that's just another piece of equipment that could possibly fail. On unknown ground, I just like my stuff as reliable as possible... and no matter how advanced navsystems get, you can't beat a trusty paper map for reliability.

When in doubt, the compass can always guide me in the right direction. The image of the route is always in my head, so I know where to go.

As it is, how you get from A to B is just as interesting as the destination itself...
The beast's surgery to the steering stem went perfectly (they even saw fit to mend the indicator-button which dislodged in Britain), and now it's just waiting till a good rainfall washes away the plethora of salt that's smothered all over the Dutch roadsystem. Then, riding can commence again (and not a moment too soon, sheesh...)!
Lastly, here's a thanks to all the Greek and Italian riders who have embraced the project over the past weeks. I went looking for information (I still am by the way, so all suggestions, tips and whatnot are welcome!), and the hospitality I got in return exceeded my wildest expectations. This Summer's helmet is currently covered up atop a cupboard, waiting impatiently for the trip... and I must say that, despite the amount of work still to be done, I'm just as eager.
See you soon guys.