Well hello!

Just now I got the motorbike that's going to be doing this all with me - it's a 1999 Honda XL600V Transalp. Big thanks go out to Marcel Riemslag for helping me out with it; I'm hoping to keep it in as good a shape as it is now. She's a beaut.
I plan on using the 2012 summer for a 'rehearsal trip' - the idea is to cross the North Sea to Great Britain, and do a tour of the island through England, Scotland and Wales. This journey will be roughly a third of the length of the 2013 trip, but still involve alot of its obstacles.
I came to this route through my grandfather - it's been a dream of his to once see Scotland, but now that he's into his 80s he can't do it anymore because of his health. That must be the worst feeling in the world I reckon... wanting to do something only to realize it's too late. Therefore I decided the GB tour to be in his honour - it's the least I can do.
The plan is also to film this trip, and I'm working out a helmetcam solution for that. The only difficulty is getting a helmetcam which can be hooked up to an external mic inside my helmet... because of course, a travel video is useless without my smart-ass commentary! If you have any suggestions (besides jamming a digicam inside the helmet or yelling REALLY LOUDLY), feel free to drop me a line!
Next update will probably be the Equipment page - I'll try whipping something up in the next couple of days. Till then, keep the shiny side up!